Friday, September 23, 2011

Ummm, hi...

Why, hello, there...

As I'm sure you are aware, this is my very first posting on my very first blog, and I'm kind of nervous...

I mean, I guess I don't really know what my first posting should be about.

Should I just jump right in? Start beauty blogging away? Or give a lil intro on what you can expect?

Maybe I'll just go into a tad more detail about why I am here and what I'd like to achieve by starting this...

Believe me, I struggled thinking I should even go to the extent of starting this blog. In all reality, I just started a beauty channel on YouTube ( and probably should be concentrating on that before ambitiously starting another major feat at the same time. 

Pessimist, much? Nope. My husband, Andy, told me those exact words.


Trying to scare me off like the great husband he can be. (rolling my eyes)

I have a hunch that he might have an ulterior motive...Like a beauty channel of his own on YouTube.

Mmmhhhmmm. Yup, I'm going there.

He more than likely sees me as competition. Really good competition. But that's ok. I can handle that. We can duke it out on the world wide web, no problemo! (wildly throwing punches in the air)

He doesn't know what kind of a fight he's getting into. Just wait....

ALRIGHT, (sigh), the fun is over... 

(Andy was standing right behind me after seeing how aggressive I was getting with my typing and fist throwing...) He's not very happy that I'm including him in my blog, especially if it involves portraying him as beauty guru.

A very selfish, rude, insensitive, and competitive beauty guru!!! I could totally take him.

Alright, moving on...

So here's the deal. I'm thinking that I will post my daily looks or makeup looks, just snap shots of yours truly, to give you some inspiration. 

Also, I was thinking that I can post pictures of the nail polish I'm wearing (after being applied on my nails - of course) since I change my nail color every other day. The point is that you can get a good idea on what certain nail polish brands and colors look like on actual nails. I promise I will only post pictures that are true to what the color actually looks like in person.

Hopefully that will help you figure out which color to go out and buy next.

And maybe I will even post some outfits of the day. That probably won't happen as often as the things mentioned above, as my wardrobe has recently decreased (I know, I know!) in the last year. I am not going to lie and say that I haven't gained weight or that I kept buying non-inspiring pieces. 

I have and I did. But I promise I will stop (gaining weight) and have stopped (buying un-inspiring pieces).

Other than those 3 things, I think I'm going to keep this blog simple and to the point so that you don't get overwhelmed or bored ( as I known some of the YouTube beauty guru blogs have become).

The one thing I am determined NOT to do is blog about the same thing I just made a video on. To me, there's not much sense in basically copying your video and turning it into a blog. B-O-R-I-N-G

So if I do, just please send me a virtual slap across the face so I can wake up and smell the expired lipgloss!!!

Till next time...

Stay chic even if it's cheap!

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