So last night I met up with my bestie, Rachel in Buena Park to go to a Breaking Dawn party.
Let's back up a bit...
I've thrown 3 themed parties before.
A Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse party.
And I was very much planning a party for Breaking Dawn as well, but let's just say that things have been a little "ruff" financially. So when my best friend, Rachel, mentioned that her friend invited her to go a Breaking Dawn party and that I was welcome to come too (since I'm kind of known like that), my hopes were up.
I could get my Breaking Dawn on and wouldn't have to worry about planning, hosting, serving, etc.
So, Buena Park, here I come!
Anywho, we both arrived at the same time (whew) and the house was sooo pretty and well decorated (for a house, not a party). We were ooo-ing and ahhh-ing.
And then she directs us to the back yard.
We are in the middle of November, y'all. Even for California, that's kind of not what I had in mind.
But I have to say, once we entered the backyard (which was also followed by some more ooo's and ahhh's) we came upon this reallllly pretty set up of elaborate black chargers, red candles, fog rolling over the table, and lights hung all over...
Purty nice set up.
So since it was outside in the dark, my pictures aren't that fab, but you'll still get the ambiance of the party.
Needless to say, this party definitely wasn't like the ones I've planned (filled with music, games, prizes, and a WARM environment), but it was nice nevertheless.
And I had to realize that they threw this party solely for the purpose of getting together before going out to see the midnight release of Breaking Dawn. So having a dinner only event made sense. The real party was happening at midnight.
Since I had to work the next day and so did Rachel, we graciously thanked the hostess and Rachel's friend for inviting us and proceeding to drive to the nearest Starbucks for a hot cup of joe - or Pumpkin Spice - whatev.
We talked and laughed and got warm and lovely before saying our true goodbyes and getting some rest.
ABOVE: Meet the bestie! Rachel
Hopefully tonight, I will convince the hubz to see Breaking Dawn with me (since my dinner/movie plans with Rachel and my sister were cancelled), and join the legions of TwiHards everywhere in getting my Twilight on.
Until next time...
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