Ever feel like people just want you to go away?

To the point where they will play dead?
Or just straight out diss you by ignoring you right in front of your face?
Oh, yeah, me neither...
Ok, so this is me totally over exaggerating pictures of my family.
But I feel like that sometimes, you know.
And I know it's not hormones, people.
Even family can be down right rude.
But at least I know I can be rude right back to them and we'll be cool by sundown.
Explanation: Actually, the first picture is of my brother in law who is trying to hide his soon-to-be-famous face. He claims he won't give out any "freebies" before stardom strikes, not even us lowly family members.
The second picture is of my nephew, Junior. I just caught him in mid dying mode during an epic battle as Bumblebee the Transformer.
And last but certainly never least, is a picture of my parents.
But unlike the pictures above them... they really were ignoring me.
Explanation: We were waiting in the car for my grandpa, whom we were going to take to breakfast, and I was chit chatting away, looking out the window, when I noticed I wasn't getting any answers to my rhetorical questions. I turn around and lo and behold there they were, completely consumed by their smart phones. I decided to address this rude behavior and you know what my dad answers (while never even bothering to look up from his phone)?
"You're the one that got us hooked on these evil devices"
My mouth dropped open at that point.
Seriously, is time running backwards or something? Did I miss the memo that said kids are the new adults in town? Did my DAD just say I , his child, got him hooked on a device he considers to be so evil that even he himself cannot keep away from???
Hmm. Interesting.
Wonder if that'll work with his bank account. Muahaha!!!
Just kidding.
Anywho, this is just my little blog of randomness. A look, really, into my oh so glamorous life and how I interact with those I most despise dislike loathe fear? tolerate LOVE.
That took a minute. hee hee
P.S. And if you want to know the cryptic ending to this blog title, it goes a little something like this...
"Families are like brownies... mostly sweet with a few nuts."
P.S. And if you want to know the cryptic ending to this blog title, it goes a little something like this...
"Families are like brownies... mostly sweet with a few nuts."
Until next time...
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