Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It's always planning season around here...

I have been in a frenzie this past month. A planning frenzie.

And I love it.

First, I planned for the Mini Me (gender revealing) party - CHECK
Then, I planned for our vacation to Florida - CHECK

This week I've been planning for our upcoming birthdays and wedding anniversary next week- HALF CHECK

Next week, Andy and I are both turning 29. His birthday is on April 3rd and my birthday is the following day on the 4th.

"Of the same year?", you ask... Yup! He is only 1 day older than me! 
What are the odds, right?

And to add to it, we got married on his birthday in 2004. 
Totally his idea, as I'm sure you can probably guess, only a guy would think of combining a butt load of special days.

"Then why did you let him?"
Well, I'll say it was love. When he proposed the idea of getting married on his birthday and therefore we'd be celebrating our honeymoon on my birthday, I couldn't burst his bubble and tell him that that was a horrible idea for future years to come...

...because only guys think of the now and girls think of the now, tomorrow and FOREVER aspect of things.


Anywho, it happened, and now next week we are celebrating our 29th birthdays and our 8 year wedding anniversary.

So, to celebrate, we are getting a couples massage (We are both getting a prenatal massage but SHH don't tell Andy that! LOL Totally kidding...or am I...)

Afterwards we are going to see about Andy getting a tattoo.
(sorry mom! but it's our bodies and we are adults now)

I would get one too, but I have to think of little Blissy Boo.

 After that, I guess it's just a free for all kind of day. Hence my HALF CHECK on this planning. So unlike me, I know.

 Also on my list of planning to do's:

~ My family's annual camping trip (this year it's Big Bear).
~ My younger sister, Angelina's, baby shower in June. (Mine is in May).
~ My nesting period (aka cleaning and organizing our place) before the delivery of Baby Bliss.

How I thrive for times like these...

Do you get overwhelmed or excited when you have a calender full of events to attend/plan?

Until next time...


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Flo-Rida Baby!!!

I just came back from a quite relaxing vacation.

I bet you're jeal.

And you should be. But only to a certain extent.
It's the last one we are taking before our little Baby Bliss arrives.

Oh yeah, I probably forgot to mention that we found out a few weeks ago that we are having a girl!

I put an exclamation after that because it definitely holds all the emotions that come with using an exclamation in a sentence.

Joy. Excitement. Disbelief.

Andy and I were both pretty sure we were going to have a boy so once the doctor announced it was a girl, we both got those wide disbelieving eyes with mouths gaping wide open.

But after the initial shock and prodding of the doctor to go over the ultrasound one more time for an extra confirmation, we woke up the next morning super ecstatic.

Don't get me wrong. I want a girl. I just honestly didn't think I would have a girl before having a boy. That's all. So don't judge.

Now we are all "Blissy Boo" this and "Blissy Boo" that. (It's our nickname for her while in the womb).

And, yes, we are naming her Bliss. I got it from a book I read. Surprised?

You shouldn't be if you read my blog.

Anywho, I'm sure I'll be blogging more and more about her and my pregnancy, so I think it's time we moved on to the main reason of this post.


Andy and I set out to use the last 2 airline tickets I acquired while working for an interior design firm that had me traveling like a socialite. 

Naturally, I am adamant about using anything free to it's fullest potential. And since my older brother, Adam, lives in Clearwater, Florida, what better excuse to go on vacation when you have free airline tickets and free lodging???

And it just so happens that my doctor said this month would be a perfect time to take a "babymoon", since I will be feeling at my best during this month in particular. And he couldn't be more right. I feel as close to normal as I've ever been since being pregnant.

So off we went!!!

ABOVE: (Andy is so not going to be happy with this photo but I figure we are both laughing, and this IS my blog, hee hee)

ABOVE: A little airport food, which was pretty good!!!

ABOVE: Took a road trip to the Everglades and of course we had to stop for our car staple: Starbucks!!!
P.S. I have a video on my personal YouTube channel showing the airboat tour we took in the Everglades, if you are interested in seeing more than these pictures...

 ABOVE: A photo of my brother, Adam, and his girlfriend, Sylvia, walking to the Florida Strawberry Festival

ABOVE: Dinner at Smokey Bones Restaurant after the festival. Some delicious food!!!!!!!

 ABOVE: My brother being ridiculous saying he's giving Sylvia his "metro" pose.

ABOVE: We were at a Spring Training Game for the Philadelphia Phillies in Clearwater. It was hot but worth the time and memories. 

 ABOVE: We decided to cool off after the game at a less populated beach, Indian Rocks Beach.
 ABOVE: It looked like a storm was coming our way but it was actually just passing over the ocean only, which was a pretty cool view for us.
 ABOVE: Andy captured a glimpse of my 5 1/2 month baby bump.

ABOVE: Getting our lovin' on... : )

 ABOVE: Headed to eat dinner at Palm Pavilion on Clearwater Beach. Good fish & chips!

 ABOVE: On our last day in Florida we ate at Anna Stella's Cajun Bistro in St. Petersburg Pier. This was by far the best food I ate on the entire trip! Shrimp Po'Boy and some French Beignets...Yum!

ABOVE: The four of us relaxing
 ABOVE: Us being silly at the airport waiting for our luggage.

And so that is it folks!!! The weather was really nice, ( high 70's to low 80's), hardly any humidity, no bugs and no rain.

The next thing we'll probably be going on before Bliss arrives is a camping trip to Big Bear. I'll be about 7 months at that point, so we'll see how that goes!!!

Until next time...